Earthquakes cause more than $4 billion in damage each year in the United States alone. Even small tremors can call a property’s structural integrity into question. Although earthquakes in the U.S. are most common in California and Alaska, they also occur frequently in states like Oklahoma, Nevada, and Utah.  

Homeowners and businesses in regions where earthquakes are a common occurrence should make it their responsibility to understand how to protect their property as well as how to file earthquake damage insurance claims after the fact. The first step is becoming familiar with the earthquake insurance policy that covers the property to verify that the property and its owners are adequately prepared and protected.  

Essential Guide for Property Owners to Mitigate and Manage Earthquake Damage

Earthquakes can cause a wide range of damage, both direct and indirect, to residential and commercial properties. While earthquakes themselves are unpredictable, property owners in earthquake-prone regions can prepare themselves for the possibility of earthquake damage.  

Identifying and Understanding Risks Associated with Earthquakes 

Identifying and understanding property damage risks associated with earthquakes involves assessing structural vulnerabilities, soil stability, and proximity to fault lines. Key indicators include building age, construction materials, and adherence to seismic building codes. Geological surveys can help determine susceptibility to landslides or liquefaction. Recognizing potential hazards within and around properties, such as gas lines or overhead fixtures, is crucial.  

Understanding the history of local seismic activity and magnitude potential aids in risk assessment. Comprehensive risk analysis enables property owners to implement preventive measures, such as retrofitting structures and securing utilities, mitigating potential damage, and safeguarding lives and investments. 

Proactive Steps to Protect Your Property Against Earthquakes 

Property owners can mitigate earthquake risk by reinforcing structures to meet current building codes and standards. This includes retrofitting older buildings with seismic bracing and securing heavy furniture and fixtures. Conducting regular maintenance on utilities, such as gas, water, and electrical systems, can prevent hazards during tremors.  

Developing an emergency plan and ensuring occupants are educated on evacuation procedures enhances safety, and investing in earthquake insurance provides financial protection against potential damage. Additionally, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, such as areas with loose soil or steep slopes, landscaping hazards, and structural improvements, can further reduce risks. Proactive measures before seismic events help safeguard property and occupants. 

Navigating Your Earthquake Damage Insurance Claim Process 

Navigating your earthquake damage insurance claim process requires thorough documentation of property damage. Report damages promptly to your insurance provider and follow their specific procedures. Document the extent of damage with photographs or videos and keep records of repair estimates and communication with insurers.  

A public insurance adjuster can help policyholders navigate earthquake damage claims by acting as an expert liaison between the insurance company and the insured. Stay proactive and persistent throughout the claim process to ensure fair compensation. 

Comprehensive Support for Businesses Impacted by Earthquakes 

When a business property suffers earthquake damage, the repercussions can echo through many different avenues. From lost inventory to the cost of renting temporary office space, business owners must tackle a range of issues in the wake of a significant earthquake.  

Addressing Unique Earthquake Challenges for Commercial Properties 

Business owners who operate in earthquake-prone regions should take extra precautions to prepare for an earthquake. Conducting a seismic risk assessment helps identify vulnerabilities and enables targeted mitigation efforts. Implementing structural retrofits can help mitigate or prevent earthquake structural damage, while securing heavy equipment minimizes the risk of damage. 

For businesses specifically, business interruption insurance can help ease the burden of earthquake recovery if there is unplanned downtime in business operations.  

Strategies for Ensuring Business Continuity in the Aftermath of an Earthquake 

Putting a plan in place that addresses business continuity in case of an earthquake can be extremely helpful. A business continuity plan should include how the business will continue to operate if its physical location suffers damage, including plans to set up remote work, ways to find a temporary location, procedures for regularly backing up critical files, and training employees on emergency procedures.  

Expert Assistance with Earthquake-Related Business Insurance Claims 

Making an earthquake damage claim as a business owner requires significant time and effort. When disaster strikes, insurance companies are spread thin as they tend to policy holders throughout the affected area. 

At WorldClaim, the priority for our public insurance adjusters is you and your business. When we approach an earthquake claim, we start with a thorough policy review. Understanding the terms, exclusions, and limitations is essential to ensuring a smooth earthquake damage claim process. 

Acting quickly and providing thorough documentation are essential elements for making the most of the claim process. It is a complicated time, but when you have WorldClaim on your side, you are free to focus on what is most important for your business and employees. We can handle the rest. 

WorldClaim Is Your Trusted Partner in Earthquake Damage Recovery 

In the event of an earthquake, you need knowledgeable experts on your side who have the experience to fight for you and win. WorldClaim started as a family business in 1983 and has grown into a global organization that still prioritizes a personalized approach while using an exclusively in-house team. 

When you have been through a natural disaster and have major concerns, you don’t have time to fight about your claim. After an earthquake, losses add up quickly. Our earthquake damage adjusters take a “boots on the ground” approach, traveling the globe to go to our clients when they need us. The insurance company has countless policy holders to serve, but you are our number one priority. 

From filing an earthquake damage claim to negotiating the settlement, we are here for you every step of the way. Whether you need a caring, compassionate ear or advice born from decades of experience, our earthquake damage adjusters will help you find a path forward. 

Call WorldClaim today to get started or connect with us using the online form.

Personas a las que hemos ayudado en terremotos


  • 1994 - Terremoto de North Ridge


  • 2010 - Terremoto

Costa Rica

  • 1991 - Terremoto


  • 2010 - Terremoto


  • 1993 - Terremoto


  • 2021 - Terremoto


  • 2017 - Terremoto


  • 2015 - Terremoto en Katmandú

Nueva Zelanda

  • 2011 - Terremoto de Canterbury

Puerto Rico

  • 2020 - Terremoto


  • 2011 - Terremoto Lorca


  • 2023 - Terremoto de magnitud 7,8

Sin la experiencia de WorldClaim, ¡nunca habríamos llegado a donde estamos hoy! Su conocimiento, servicio y profesionalidad nos ayudaron a conseguir un acuerdo final que nos ha permitido reparar el hotel al estado anterior al terremoto. Recomendamos encarecidamente sus servicios.

- Graeme Horncastle

Propietario Hotel Pavilions


"Tomamos la decisión de ir con World Claims después de que nuestro granero se quemó. Tony y su equipo eran muy conocedores de todos los entresijos del mundo de los seguros. Él fue capaz de guiarnos a través de todo. Él se encargó de todo, así que no tuvimos que preocuparnos o hacer frente a cualquier cosa relacionada con el fuego. Estamos muy contentos con la solución que él y su equipo fueron capaces de conseguir para nosotros. Les recomiendo encarecidamente. Un agradecimiento de Seven View Farms".

- Frank VanderVeen

Granjas Seven View


"En nombre de la iglesia Asamblea de Dios del Calvario, me gustaría agradecer a WorldClaim Global Claims Management su ayuda en la resolución de las reclamaciones del Calvario contra la Church Mutual Insurance Company. Antes de contratar a Worldclaim, Church Mutual había rechazado totalmente la reclamación del Calvary, dejándole pocas perspectivas de recuperación. WorldClaim proporcionó al Calvario ciertos recursos que le permitieron convencer a Church Mutual para que reabriera y finalmente resolviera la reclamación con Church Mutual. El Calvario agradece los esfuerzos de Worldclaim".

- Pastor Paul Keehr

Asamblea de Dios del Calvario


"Antes de que se extinguiera el incendio, su personal estaba trabajando en la reubicación de mi negocio. Tres días después volvíamos a estar operativos. Nunca lo habría conseguido sin WorldClaim".

- Larry O'Shea

Adirondack Tire Corporation

Earthquake Insurance Claim FAQs

What experience does WorldClaim have with earthquake damage claims?

Since 1983, WorldClaim has been working with home and business owners around the globe. In recent years, the team worked with policy holders in Ecuador after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and in Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco, and New Zealand.  

How do I know if my insurance covers earthquake damage?

Carefully review your insurance policy, paying close attention to coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions. Earthquake damage is typically not covered by a standard insurance policy, instead, it’s offered as an optional add-on or a separate policy. If you’re unsure, reach out to WorldClaim for a free policy review. 

How does the location of my property affect earthquake insurance coverage and claims?

Areas with a higher risk for earthquakes may see higher insurance rates and stricter coverage limits along with higher percentages of deductibles. You may also require additional coverage or specific policies. 

What are the first steps to take after my property is damaged in an earthquake?

After an earthquake, your priority is the safety of yourself, your family, and/or your employees. Carefully inspect for hazards and evacuate if necessary. Hire an engineer to do a rapid damage assessment of your property. If it’s safe to do so, document any damage and reach out to WorldClaim for assistance with this process; we’ll work with the insurance company for you. 

How long do I have to file a claim after an earthquake?

Following an earthquake, it’s important to begin the claims process as soon as possible, and that’s where WorldClaim comes in. The exact timeframe for filing a claim depends on your insurance policy and the company, so contact them directly if you have any questions. 

What should I do if my earthquake damage claim is denied?

Review your policy to understand coverage details and compare these against the denial letter. You may want to seek a second opinion, or work with a public insurance adjuster like WorldClaim who can help you to understand and potentially file an appeal if one is deemed necessary. 

Zonas catastróficas actuales

¿Dónde trabajan actualmente los peritos públicos de WorldClaim?

Terremoto de magnitud 7,8 en Turquía

Terremoto de magnitud 7,8


Daños del huracán Ian, remolque

Huracán Ian


Lo sentimos, cartel de cerrado en la puerta

COVID-19 Pandemia

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