Winter weather can leave businesses and homeowners out in the cold, resulting in property damage, business losses, and even building collapses. In 2021, winter weather wreaked havoc worldwide, causing more than $100 billion in damage. In 2022, the damage in the United States alone totaled nearly $6 billion, according to the Insurance Information Institute. 

By preparing a property for the impact of winter storms, rather than taking a wait and see approach, property owners are much better prepared when the next bout of winter weather strikes. Understanding potential damage as well as what types of damage are covered by a typical insurance policy can provide policyholders with the best chance at recovering quickly when winter weather damage does occur.  

Essential Guide for Homeowners to Minimize and Handle Winter Damage 

Winter storms happen every year, and by all accounts, the damage they can cause is getting worse with each passing year. Homeowners can minimize damage from winter weather by implementing proper preparation techniques in the warmer months before cold temperatures hit.  

Identifying and Understanding Risks from Snow, Ice, and Cold

For large sections of the country, winter weather means plummeting temperatures, ice, and snow. Some of the most common damage to residential property in the winter comes from frozen pipes and ice dams that form on the roofs of buildings.  

When temperatures fall below freezing, water in pipes can freeze, causing the pipes to expand and potentially burst. This can lead to flooding and water damage to walls, ceilings, and floors. It may also result in costly repairs and the need to replace damaged pipes. 

Ice dams form when snow on the roof melts and refreezes at the edge of the roof, creating a barrier that prevents proper drainage. Ice dam damage occurs from water backing up under shingles and leaking into the attic or interior walls. Ice dams can cause water damage, mold growth, and structural issues if left untreated. 

Roof damage from heavy snow accumulation, foundation cracks from freezing and thawing cycles, and damage from tree branches that fall due to the weight of snow and ice are also common winter weather hazards.  

Proactive Steps to Shield Your Home Against Harsh Winter Elements

To shield a home against harsh winter elements, homeowners can take various proactive steps, such as insulating pipes to prevent freezing, installing gutter guards to prevent ice dams, and sealing gaps around doors and windows to keep out drafts. Winter roof maintenance is also an effective technique. By clearing snow and ice buildup and trimming trees to prevent damage from falling branches, a roof has a better chance of surviving winter intact. Ensure proper drainage around the foundation to prevent flooding and consider investing in a backup generator to manage power outages.  

Streamlining Your Winter Damage Insurance Claim Process

If winter weather does cause damage, preparation can also be key to filing an effective insurance claim. Proper documentation is an important first step in streamlining the winter damage insurance claim process. Document all damage with photos, videos, and complete descriptions, making sure to follow your insurance company’s claims process as closely as possible.  

Regular policy reviews prior to any damage can also help homeowners understand what is covered in the event of winter weather damage to ensure there are no surprises when the time comes to file a claim. In many instances, a public adjuster from WorldClaim can help. WorldClaim takes a “boots on the ground” approach to every claim situation. We provide a shoulder to lean on and expert advice to help you dig your way out of the hole caused by winter weather damage. 

Comprehensive Support for Businesses Facing Winter Disruptions

Winter weather doesn’t just impact residential properties. Business owners in cold climates need to take special care when preparing for cold winter weather, including taking steps to protect their properties and their business operations.

Addressing Unique Winter Weather Challenges for Commercial Properties

In addition to property damage from snow fall, frozen pipes, power outages, and ice dams, businesses face other unique risks during winter weather, including:  

  • Slip and Fall Accidents: Accumulated snow and ice on walkways, parking lots, and entryways increases the risk of slip and fall accidents, potentially resulting in liability claims and legal expenses. 
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Winter storms can disrupt transportation and logistics, leading to delays in receiving supplies or delivering products to customers, impacting revenue and customer satisfaction. 
  • Employee Safety Concerns: Employees commuting in hazardous road conditions or working in cold temperatures face increased safety risks, potentially resulting in injuries or absences. 
  • Loss of Revenue: Reduced foot traffic, closures due to weather conditions, and supply chain disruptions can lead to a loss of revenue for businesses, particularly those in industries heavily impacted by seasonal changes. 
  • Business Interruption: Severe winter weather events can force businesses to temporarily close or operate at reduced capacity, resulting in financial losses and damage to reputation. 

Addressing these risks requires thorough planning, proactive maintenance, employee training, and implementing contingency measures to mitigate the impact of winter weather on business operations.

Strategies for Maintaining Business Operations Through Winter Storms 

As with residential properties, addressing unique winter weather challenges for commercial properties involves taking some proactive measures. Property owners should prioritize snow and ice removal from parking lots, walkways, and entrances to prevent slip and fall accidents. Installing heating systems to melt ice buildup on roofs and reduce the risk of ice dams can also prevent significant winter weather damage.  

Businesses may also want to insulate pipes and outdoor fixtures to prevent freezing and potential burst pipes. Regular inspection and maintenance of HVAC systems to ensure efficient heating during cold weather and establishing a contingency plan for power outages, including investing in backup generators and emergency supplies, are also good ideas. By addressing these challenges, commercial properties can minimize disruptions and ensure safety during winter. 

Expert Management of Winter-Related Business Insurance Claims 

After a damaging winter storm, businesses may need professional help to recoup lost revenue and rebuild. Although many business insurance policies cover winter storm damage, recovery of those losses and keeping operations running while waiting on insurance payouts can be a struggle. Working with a public insurance adjuster is one option to help business owners document damage and negotiate a fair settlement with their insurance companies.  

WorldClaim Is Your Ally in Winter Weather Damage Recovery 

At WorldClaim, our public insurance adjusters handle everything from documenting damage and filing claims to negotiating final settlements. Our licensed professionals will make sure you obtain the compensation you are entitled to receive, according to your policy. Working with our public insurance adjusters can help you file your claim and get compensated efficiently in the event of a destructive winter storm. 


Sin la experiencia de WorldClaim, ¡nunca habríamos llegado a donde estamos hoy! Su conocimiento, servicio y profesionalidad nos ayudaron a conseguir un acuerdo final que nos ha permitido reparar el hotel al estado anterior al terremoto. Recomendamos encarecidamente sus servicios.

- Graeme Horncastle

Propietario Hotel Pavilions


"Tomamos la decisión de ir con World Claims después de que nuestro granero se quemó. Tony y su equipo eran muy conocedores de todos los entresijos del mundo de los seguros. Él fue capaz de guiarnos a través de todo. Él se encargó de todo, así que no tuvimos que preocuparnos o hacer frente a cualquier cosa relacionada con el fuego. Estamos muy contentos con la solución que él y su equipo fueron capaces de conseguir para nosotros. Les recomiendo encarecidamente. Un agradecimiento de Seven View Farms".

- Frank VanderVeen

Granjas Seven View


"En nombre de la iglesia Asamblea de Dios del Calvario, me gustaría agradecer a WorldClaim Global Claims Management su ayuda en la resolución de las reclamaciones del Calvario contra la Church Mutual Insurance Company. Antes de contratar a Worldclaim, Church Mutual había rechazado totalmente la reclamación del Calvary, dejándole pocas perspectivas de recuperación. WorldClaim proporcionó al Calvario ciertos recursos que le permitieron convencer a Church Mutual para que reabriera y finalmente resolviera la reclamación con Church Mutual. El Calvario agradece los esfuerzos de Worldclaim".

- Pastor Paul Keehr

Asamblea de Dios del Calvario


"Antes de que se extinguiera el incendio, su personal estaba trabajando en la reubicación de mi negocio. Tres días después volvíamos a estar operativos. Nunca lo habría conseguido sin WorldClaim".

- Larry O'Shea

Adirondack Tire Corporation

Winter Weather Insurance Claim FAQs

What types of winter weather damage can WorldClaim help with?

WorldClaim can assist with whatever winter weather–related damage you’re facing, including damage from ice dams and frozen pipes. Our team of skilled public insurance adjusters is prepared to support both home and business owners. Contact us today to get started. 

How long is the claims process?

The length of the claims process can be anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Factors like the efficiency of the insurance company, the complexity of your claim, and the ease of documentation can all affect how quickly the process gets resolved. The team at WorldClaim is here to help quickly resolve even the most complex cases. 

How can I prepare my property for winter weather to minimize damage?

Taking steps like insulating water pipes, sealing windows, clearing gutters, making sure your insulation is adequate and trimming large tree limbs can help to minimize or even prevent winter weather damage to your property. 

What are the most common types of winter weather damage to look out for?

Ice dam formation, frozen or burst pipes, roof damage or collapse from snow accumulation, and structure damage from tree limbs are among the most common types of damage from winter weather. 

What is an ice dam?

An ice dam is a build up of ice along the edge of the roof or in the gutters that prevents melted snow or rain from flowing from the roof. As a result, the water pools and can cause significant damage. 

How should I document winter weather damage for insurance claims?

Prepare a detailed damage estimate for the building, including the scope of damage, quantity of damaged area, and unit cost to replace. The personal property inventory of damaged items should include the name, brand, year of purchase, price, serial numbers, and estimated cost of repair or replacement for all damaged items; include receipts if you have them. When safe to do so, take detailed photos and videos of all damage. 

How can businesses prepare for winter weather to avoid disruptions?

Business owners should ensure their buildings are well-insulated, including pipes to protect against freezing, and that heating systems are in good working order. Maintain heat at 62 degrees or higher during extreme cold weather. Additionally, they should develop a plan for keeping employees informed about potential changes in operation, have a backup power source, and a plan for snow and ice removal. 

Why should I consider hiring a public adjuster for winter weather damage claims?

The public insurance adjusters at WorldClaim are experts at dealing with insurance companies and the complexities of the claims process. They will document damage and negotiate on your behalf so you can focus on everything else. 

How do I know if my insurance properly covers winter weather damage?

Review your policy closely, focusing on coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions. WorldClaim offers a free policy review, which can help to identify costly gaps in your coverage. 

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